The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Monday, August 29, 2005

NVAX and SFP are on FIRE!

Yesterday's picks, NVAX and SFP were sure to not disappoint nimble traders today. I highlighted both stocks and pointed out that both had great times to come because of the amount of institutional/insider ownership. Also, both plays seemed technically sound and poised for an outbreak. NVAX was able to yield OVER 70%, while SFP yielded OVER 22%. I have to say-- NOT BAD! Its totally up to you if you plan to sell now, and I wouldn't blame anyone since those that played made out a decent profit. BUT! I do believe there is some more rocket fuel left in both SFP and NVAX. Good Luck and Happy Trading and Investing! I will have some more picks up later tonight!


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