The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas For Friday

New Buys: DDS (in at 15.41), HILL (rebuy, in at 2.05), PCS (in at 6.55), SKIL (in at 10.58_


Top Performers: Department Stores (BONT, DDS)

Watching: DCTH, DRAM (should have bought when I first posted about it)


At 12:47 PM , Blogger Chad said...

Good Afternoon, Nick.
What's your take on RURL? Did I get in it too late, yesterday?

Take care,

At 12:48 PM , Blogger Chad said...

VIX plowed past 20 today...

At 1:47 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

As long as RURL is working for you, then you didn't get in too late. Just keep an eye on it.

Yes, the VIX was dropped to high 19 earlier. I guess they felt the low 20 target should have been hit right before they attempt to ravage the market any further.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

I don't know what to think, there's a lot of positive action in quite a few stocks. So far, the pullback has been very tame...

At 3:05 PM , Blogger Chad said...

I agree... I'm on 4 good positions that are thriving in the correction, and notice that the indexes look like they want to pivot. I'm just feeling it out. A moderately good Friday might not be a bad thing.

At 3:56 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

interestingly, we went into positive territory for the DJIA for a brief period of time...

At 9:13 AM , Blogger Musaffir said...

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At 1:49 PM , Blogger Chad said...

If you're into this type of thing, it's a good sign for blogs when you notice more comment spam; typically your PR is on the way up. 1,000 eyeballs a day on a website is never a bad thing...converting 1% of those visitors to any nominal sale can equals $50 - $100 a day of steady trickle income. Then the website, "pays its rent."

It's food for thought. Information is valuable, and consulting services go as simple as answering someone's question, like Yo Nick, what's your take on RURL? ;)

Take care,

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

lol so I should welcome comment spam with open arms?? j/k, I know what you mean. Unfortunately, I a bit far from having 1000 eyes peering at my blog. I have a way to go for that. In any case, in order for me to do all of that, I would have to develop premium content in order to justify a fee based subscription service. While this is do-able.From the start, I have been pretty much disclosing all my buys. I guess I could also then disclose sell points and sell prices and get into more detail about my strategy and so on and so forth. But then I run into a problem. I do not have extra time in my day or evening to put into the blog let alone to add richer subscription content. Maybe in the future. Maybe I would reconsider if I had a 1000 eyeballs watching my blog. We'll see. For the moment, it is not a possibility. I am more than happy to share info though with long time readers such as yourself.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Chad said...

I know what you mean. 1,000 eyeballs is a ways off for many blogs! Typically, though, when you're getting comment SPAM, you are hitting web screeners radars, and Search Engine results aren't very long after that...then the results are exponential. First 300 a day are hardest, then 600, then over 1,000. If you hit top 10, you're more than money in the bank.

Anyway REGARDING Premium Content:
It's one thing to be a stock picker with buy-ins and exits, BUT there are a lot of good websites already doing that very well, that I wouldn't compete with. Consultation is different. Consultation is like IBD's stock checkup. How many times have people come up to you and asked what you thought of such and such, and with a glance at a chart, you were able to give them 3 paragraphs of insight that is "just your honest opinion"? In essence, you would just keep doing what you're doing, with each party understanding that you post as soon as you can, but you're still an active trader, and you give assessment as soon as you can, but you're still an active trader that has to watch the market.

If I built a business model on it, I would run the blog just like you are but put the information on a timed leak. So everything could still be free, but the insight is 24 hours old, or 48 hours old when free viewers see it. You could have a middle pricing level that offered all info at EOD, and a premium level that offered real-time info and access.

Again, this is all just projected musings, and you'd definitely need more viewing power before it was even feasible, but there is a great market for consultation. It's almost like doing the homework for a competent trader, that is maybe too busy with other ventures. I personally work a day job, run a production company after that, and actively trade and research on top of that (as well as take online college courses)...there's not enough time in the day and your diligence, that you share, saves me HOURS! I know if you recommended it, it's on the right track...I then add it to my watches, do my own homework quickly, and see if the trade matches my style...if it does, bingo. If not, you have other recommendations. I watch about 150 charts every day, and you watch about 500+. You save professionals time, and professionals are willing to pay for that. I do it everyday in other areas of life (personal trainers, nutritionists, ect...)

I'm not pushing it by any means. I'm just enthusiastic because I happen to enjoy small business as much as I enjoy trading! ...and you have a product that there is a market for ;)

Take care,

At 4:16 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

I'll get back to you about your thoughts on the matter later on this evening.

At 6:44 PM , Blogger Chad said...

No worries. I'm just throwing that out there. Email me if you're interested in the limits or boundaries. I've got a good case study, in an unrelated discipline, that represents a good model for you.

Take care,

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Spam was deleted...


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