The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Re-Shuffling the Stock Deck

I'm not sure if this is purely coincidental but I have noticed a strange phenomenon on all my charts from this past Friday. It seems to me that the institutional investors that shuffled around their stakes in different stocks. For instance, there seem to be stocks in which the big boys dumped in high volume and others in which they began to accumulate on above average volume. This re-shuffling of the "stock deck" shows that the institutions are betting on new winners and cutting loose old names and plays. It seems to me that the BearStearns hedge fund fiasco has prompted other institutions to be more wary and careful of what holdings they may have in their portfolio and that is what lead to today's catharsis. This also explains why despite the 180+ point drop, there were still many winners lurking beneath the rubble. Of course, this is just my opinion...

Note: After some info digging, I realize that the wild volume swings are a re-shuffling of stocks, but not because of institutional dumping, but because of a Russell Index reposition of stocks in Mutual Funds that mimic the index's stock holdings.


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