The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

New Social Network on the Block...

Just when you thought you've seen it all, another social networking site has sprung up, seemingly overnight. While it looks similar to Myspace and Facebook on the surface, this pro-social site seems to offer an extra dimension that seems to be missing from the rest of the competition. First off, the name of this site is PeopleJar ( PeopleJar connects fellow humans from around the globe onto its own network and allows them to reach out and touch somebody. Well, at least search somebody. The really nifty and cool factor is that you can customize your search and find someone with the specific interests that you are looking for. You can customize specific parameters such as the age, sex or location of a person that you are searching for. So for instance, if you are looking for a new buddy who shares the same interests as yourself, for example, surfing, you would plug in surfing in the search bar and customize the parameters of who you are looking for. You can choose the gender, age, location and even experience level of a potential new friend. In addition to finding and connecting with people of the same interests, you may also use PeopleJar to sell yourself and your talents and expertise to potential employers or others who may want to collaborate with you on a venture or proposition.
What is even more interesting with PeopleJar is that you can use it to find and connect with someone in which you've only had a brief encounter with. Lets just say that you just met a pretty girl on a subway. You both clicked well but had to depart prematurely. You forgot to exchange numbers or names. Is this a case of two potential soul mates lost forever? Not quite. Just add the details of the encounter (location, day, time and some other specifics about the person) and you will be able to potentially reunite with this person through a find-a-friend feature via an ad placed on People Jar. Pretty nifty if I may say so. Anyway, I am off to explore this site in more detail. I just stumbled upon it today and thought it was interesting so I decided to share it with you. Let me know what you think about it as well. Later.


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