The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Monday, December 12, 2005

No need to check in with the coroner, I'm still alive and breathing...

Just checking in, inbetween some studying. Let me tell ya, It's been real busy. I have been keeping an eye on things, but obviously I can't keep an eye on everything.

I have a losing trade that I want to confess (because its buggin' me like crazy). I sold a position in BNT for a 7% loss. The funny thing is, I wasn't planning on buying it. Still, seeing it having a nice run up, I thought, "gee, let me pick some up if it dips a little". So I did, and suffered the consequences. Now I know that it can still bounce up, I decided to put my money to better use. So I bought some VHI. I also have LPSN, ADEP, GT, RIGL, EURO and CNQ in my sight as well. Also, I hope none of you have slept on GROW. I told you it was gonna be hot. I mentioned it several time before the big run, even recommending it at the dip to the 50day (it was around $7 at that time). Those who saw and seized that opportunity were rewarded. What else? TIE took a dip. Im thinking it due for a bounce soon. I will keep an eye on it since I may want to grab some. SGG and HSVLY and ATI are also nice alternatives to TIE as well.
Now Im off to do some more studying! I will be back when I finish!


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