The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Its the Shoes......

Its got to be the kicks..

Hey guys, if you are like me, you are probably wondering why all these shoe companies are popping up and posting tremendous earnings reports and postive chart breakouts. From my perspective, it must be the positive consumer spending and the need for new shoes. Not only that, but also try to imagine how many shoes were lost/ destroyed from the heavy hurricane season. In home floodings probably washed away quite a few. This I am sure has also helped out other companies as well, such as NWL, CLX and AW to name a few. But I am not interested in those. I am interested in stocks that are just starting to heat up and enjoy the spot light. Thats why I am recommending SCVL and BWS and ICON. I also like SKX and SHOO as well and they are great idea too. So, there is definatly a lot to work with. SCVL and BWS and ICON are probably the better of the 5 mentioned in terms of entry. Good luck!

Brown Shoe Co (BWS - NYSE) 3 month chart

Shoe Carnival (SCVL - NASDAQ)


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