The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Keep an Eye on Companies That IPO During Market Corrections

There is nothing bolder than for a company to offer an IPO during a market correction. Companies that IPO during such rough market patches are sending a strong clear message that their companies prospects and financials are tough enough to withstand the adverse market conditions. As you may have noticed, the last few weeks (even months) have seen a steadily dwindling supply of IPOs. Many companies have withdrawn their IPO plans. These companies are fearful and do not believe that their companies will have the earnings power to plow ahead in the face of uncertainty. Still, other companies are far more optimistic and are not going to allow a market correction to derail their planned IPO. Here are some IPO's to keep an eye on in the weeks and months ahead.

ATAI (ATA Inc), BHRT (BioHeart), BHTX (Bayhill Therapeutics), CPIX (Cumberland Pharmaceutical), HOO (Cascal), INTL (Intelius), IPCM (IPC), LOGM (LogMeln), OMER (Omeros), RMG (RiskMetrics Group), SC (SeaCastle), SOL (ReneSol), TSMA (Transoma Medical), VLOR (Valor Computerized Systems)


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