The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Wednesday

New Buy Candidates: None

New Short Sale Candidates: DECK (re-short), FSLR

Add To: ABAX (short)

Note: DECK may offer a better shorting opportunity this time around. Look for a high volume close below the 200 day MA. FSLR closed near its LOD yesterday. The last mention of FSLR as a short sale candidate was premature. I will be keeping an eye on it to find a better shorting entry.


At 11:24 PM , Blogger Yre said...

2morow is earnings for DECK. Bought 100 dol puts.. will see. !

At 11:41 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...


You are braver than I am. I have already covered my short position for a loss and have yet to reinitiate my short on it. I may jump in if the stock responds negatively. Good luck.


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