The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Few words regarding my picks.....

First off, when I recommend a stock, I usually recommend it as a buy (unless I specifically believe its a short position). I sometimes may not even write down the words buy, even though its a good idea to do so. The point is, if I fondly speak of a stock, that usually means its a good buy. Sure, I can be wrong, but then again who isn't. I expect YOU to also do your own research and analysis of the stock and decide for yourselves if you want to seriously consider buying it. I also may state buy now or buy on the dip. Its up to you. If the stock is really hot, just try to grab some shares at the Low of the day and accumulate more if the stock takes a dip. Of course, make sure all the fundamentals and technicals are intact before you start averaging down a stock, unless you want to make the fatal mistake of continously adding more and more positions on a stock that is heading down hill. Also remember to cut your losses. Making a little money off a stock is better than breaking even and breaking even is better than losing money and losing only 8% or less of your initial investment is better than losing 20%. Get the point? Good!
So what to buy?! Whatever YOU want! Thats the beauty of it. The multiple picks are not here to confuse you. It is to provide you with a variety of stocks to choose or research. You have to pick your favorite stock! Most of the stocks I pick are good stocks that are promising. Now I can understand that you may pick one stock that I recommended and have a bad experience with it. I understand. But do not let that discourage you. Always limit your losses so that you can fight another day.


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