The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Chin Up!

Hey folks,

I know, I know, the markets negativity has been unrelenting. But what can you do? You can sit on cash or invest in a CD. Or you can keep your head up and continue to try and find stocks that are burning up the charts or go the short seller route. Regardless, I have a few stocks for you to check out regardless of your position

Some short ideas include: DDE, MGI, BWS I know that I used to be bullish on these and even had long positions in them as well, but they are looking more attractive as short sells at the moment.

Some long picks: SPSS, EGY, MIKR, VVUS, ANEN, SUPX, BIDU, SMSI, CTCI (keep eye on it), LYV and PRFT


At 2:49 AM , Blogger Nick M. said...

I hear you on that. My stocks were no different, as I took quite a hit also. Still, I am thinking that we will have some better days ahead. Despite the drop, the markets were able to snap back as the heavy pressured selling/profit taking transformed into a "snap up shares for cheap" frenzy by the institutions. I believe this correction was way over done. Rising interest rates and inflation worries are so 2005 and definatly nothing new. So what gives? As unfortunate as it is, once investors hear those magic words, they start heading for the hills. Sort of like shoot first, ask questions later. The end result is the punishment that the little guys such as ourselves recieve when our stocks plummet from the heavy selling and panic. Anyways, I dont want to go off on a rant here. Anyways, don't worry too much, cut your losses and save your money so that you can buy all the hot stocks for cheap and get your money back and then some. Just gotta wait until the timing is right!


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