The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What I have Learned

...From the Downtrend of August 2007-March 2009...

I learned that the peak of the number of new IPO'S emerging coincides with the peak of the overall market...

New positions tend to start failing. Breakouts no longer work and fizzle shortly after they occur.

The quality of the stocks breaking out begins to diminsh. In addition, laggards that never made moves begin making moves and attempting to make new highs (the doomsday stocks..LCRX and CYMI used to be a pair that showed up).

Traders become antsy and look for other alternatives in order to make a quick trade/buck (such as trying to start trading penny stocks and other stocks and markets that they never traded before (this indicator is more psychological in nature as it shows distressed state of mind and of the U.S. markets in general).

The general public and market is in disbelief. Everyone is still euphoric and thinks the markets can make a new high and will continue to head higher. The TV market pundits (i.e. Cramer) continue to show irrational exuberance (i.e. shouting, yelling, high pitch squealing and hands being thrown in the air). No one believed that the Housing Bubble, and Credit crisis was real until it kicked them in the a$$.

I learned that the market makes its biggest moves to the upside in downtrends/bear markets and its biggest moves to the downside in bull markets/uptrends...

I learned that you should never leave your entire life savings with so-called guru hedge fund managers, who are ex Nasdaq chiefs, with perfect returns for over X amount of years with ties to the SEC...

I learned that when everyone is ready to give up on the markets and jump in front a train, that signals the end of the bear market (take the gloom and despair of March 2009 for example).

I learned that by sitting out of the market when you are uncertain, you can avoid devastating losses and still make a decent return by waiting and watching for setups and sector breakouts, even in a full blown bear market (ex: The run up on the oil stocks and sector breakouts of PDO, MXC and others).

How do I know all this? Because I lived through it and traded through it. I cashed in on the financials by shorting them (sorry MS, GS, LEH, etc, nothing personal, just business as usual) and quickly went to work buying stocks again once the market bottomed in March/April 2009. I learned that you should always listen to your hunches, intuition and experience. Learn from your mistakes. Jot them down and remember them, because the market doesn't allow you to repeat them that often.


At 9:03 PM , Blogger Chad said...

Good pull from the Archives! I remember realizing that things were not going to be bright, right about the beginning of December 2007. I had only been in the market, earnestly, for about a year then. It still took a couple of months for the mainstream papers to start blasting it on front pages, which I considered a tell-tail sign (Main Street fear). It's funny, it feels like so long ago now!

Fortunately having to pay for a wedding kept me out of the market most of 2008. Paladium and Platinum made me a killing for the time that I was in, in early '08, though!! Makes sense considering that the down trend was pushing wary investors to precious metals.

When things started spinning even farther downhill, about Nov/Dec 08, I doubled my retirement account whole-market contributions, and I'm very happy with that move!

Things are still interesting like you point out now. I don't have full confidence in "the worst is over," but it's definitely easier to find up-trends.

For a while in 2008, you could gauge market sentiment by counting all of this blog's short positions; the Nick's Short indicator ;)

See you tomorrow,

At 11:02 AM , Blogger Nick M. said...


You are right, it does feel like it was long time ago. Funny how time flies. I remember that period being one of most challenging trading environments.
Unfortunatly for most investors, by December 2007, a lot of damage had been done. Those with losing positions in the financials (BSC, LEH, LM,MS, etc), just didn't know how to jump ship. They kept saying how things were going to improve and the stocks would rebound, etc. At the same time, these same people were jumping onto the oil/gas bandwagon after the huge runup. I kept telling them that after the huge run up in May 2008 that the stocks had gone parabolic and they were done. Nobody listened. Unfortunately, I know several people who got screwed with both the financials and the run up on oil.
Okay, so you got married in 2008? Congrats! I hope you paid for the ring from the profits from trading precious metals!
Maybe the worst is not over, but the bottom that was formed in March/April of 2009 looks very solid. Unless we face catastrophic news, the market as a whole should continue to move higher, perhaps after a brief period of consolidation. The only thing worrying me is the low vix. A low vix such as this tends to lead to market corrections. As far as the immediate future is concerned, earning season will decide which way the market will turn.
In terms of gauging market direction with the amount of picks that I post (short or long), you can always tell if a correction is around the corner by the number of potential new longs that I post. They say that the market always looks its best at its top, and there are a ton of stocks to buy at market tops...yet all of them fail. Just keep an eye out for speculative stocks. IF you see a lot of crappy, low quality stocks in low rank sectors, head for the exits!

At 12:39 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Market has broke thru the VIX support and created a new low in it. This means that the uptrend will continue until the VIX becomes extremely "oversold". Perhaps a reflex dip/mini correction at low 20 on the vix.


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