The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

ACR and SLXA showed exceptional strength today....

I'm glad that ACR and SLXA rose on an otherwise crappy day! I still love the fact that both of these gems are undiscovered. On the flip side, QDEL (which I also like a lot) has been down today. Could it be Cramer's curse (he did recommend it a few days ago) striking? Regardless its a hot stock and today provided a nice buying opportunity. I am also dissapointed with ADST. The stock has been down heavily the last few days. I am carefully watching its support levels. If it can't hold on, I'll have to recommend a sell. It is not worth holding onto stocks that can't hang with market pressure.


At 8:05 AM , Blogger Nick M. said...

hey Dave I hear ya!

sorry for not responding back. I've been trying to catch up on hw since i wasn't feeling good on the weekend! I'll talk to you later though!

Have a good day!


At 7:30 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Hey Dave!

Finally back from school! Been there since 8:30 in the A.M and just touched home not even half n hour ago! Sometimes I wish I just dormed there, but oh well. I still think the market is showing some strength. As far as TOL goes, I have been expecting (as I'm sure everyone else) for the home building sector to die down. It first started with the mortgage companies and now the home builders. I still believe companies such as SFP and RSTO will enjoy profits for a while since the home furnishing companies are last to cool down from a housing boom. I still like SFP, and I believe its a great retail stock. Still the chart doesn't indicate that the stock has bottomed out yet. I am afraid that it may go down a little more. I will definatly reinitiate a buy once it bottoms out. For the time being, have a look at RSTO. This is a stock that I believe has some potential. It looks like its nearing its bottom and I expect it to spike up soon (just not sure when, lol).
Of course the Big 3 (ACR, SLXA and QDEL) are still ripping it, which is surprising me. I wish they would take it a little slower and not rush out like that. ACR is still not widely known about, QDEL is more popular now and SLXA was just discovered today by the Momo and day trader crowd. I am afraid it will bring more volatility to the stock. QDEL seems like a great steady gainer that has some remarkable potential! ACR I believe is a nice longer term play that could eventually hit $30 or more. I know it sounds ridiculous, but anything can happen, especially since the stock has started a nice, new uptrend. As far as Cramer goes, he rub his crystal ball (his bald head) all day long and spit out QDEL all day long. It doesn't matter. A hot stock is a hot stock. Yes I agree he has more experience but some of his picks are very questionable and horrible, especially if you play them right after he recommends them. Just look at OVEN, DKS, SBL, and many more.
ADST is leaning on the sell side a little more. Still, the stock managed to redeem itself a little today. I will keep an eye on it in case it takes a deep dip below the 50day. I agree, health care and retail are going to be leading the winter bull market. This weekend, I should be able to put together a nice retail and health care stock special! We'll see! Anyways, Im off to relax and do some hw. I''ll talk 2 u later, Dave!




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