The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcoming in the New Year : 2007 - To the Readers

Hey ladies and gents,

I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays. Unfortunately, for most of us, tomorrow is the day that the holidays come to a crashing end! It sucks, I know. But what can you do? You have to work and make money and do you. Tomorrow I will be in court fighting off a speeding ticket (what fun! Not!) and then I have school (I am taking winter classes). That doesn't sound fun, and you are right, its not. Still, because the markets will be closed, I will have plenty of time to form a strategy and comb through the long list of potential longs. I will also try to give you, the readers, a special sector trading post and then some of my hot sector/industry predictions for 2007. Will 2007 be better than 2006? Who knows? I certainly hope so. Although 2006 was considered a "bull market", it was very difficult to navigate and trade through. There was a ton of volatility and uncertainty that thrashed around bulls and bears all over the place. It was a very tough trading year. If you survived it, you should feel proud of yourselves. If you had a tough time, do not become discouraged. Just take it as a lesson and learn from it. I know I did. And I am still learning. I am learning when to spot market tops (like back in May 2006) and learning how to wait things out before I begin to add (waiting for clear market bottom signals). I will remember these lessons (hopefully) in 2007 and use them to my advantage. In case you don't know, I will be around stocks and the markets forever. I love this stuff. I actually think its fun. So stick around and check back often because I will always be looking for the next hot stocks. And for anyone who doubts my picking prowess, go through some of the early 2005 stock picks. Sure, I picked some stocks that flopped, and sure, I didn't always buy and hold onto some of the top winning positions, but without a doubt, I called some of the bigger and better moves. I am still learning and my technique is still a work in progress. I look forward to learning more and hope to share even more hot stock picks with you, the readers to utilize. And why? When I first started investing in late 2004/early 2005, I started with a broker who could care less what stocks he bought for me. After some lackluster picks, I finally realized that I could do better by myself as an individual investor/trader. And I did. I just want to simply share some of the great and exciting stocks that I find with anyone else who cares about stocks and making some money. I am not pumping. I have nothing to gain by sharing my info. I do not even have a position in many of the stocks that I recommend. I am just a trader and a stock and market reporter trying to give you the reader, a heads up on what's hot and what's not. That's it. Plain and Simple! I do enjoy writing this blog as it gives me a space to post my picks and trades and helps me vent some of my thoughts, feelings and frustrations. It certainly is a learning experience! I hope that everyone of you continues to enjoy the blog and benefit from it as well!

Happy New Year and Happy Trading in 2007!



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