More Positive Stock Action
More Breakouts: BIOF (seen yesterday but was reluctant in mentioning), CAST, CFX, CVV, FUEL, HITK, HW, NLST (continuation), PEIX, RHT, SCSS, SYRG, WWD
This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.
More Breakouts: BIOF (seen yesterday but was reluctant in mentioning), CAST, CFX, CVV, FUEL, HITK, HW, NLST (continuation), PEIX, RHT, SCSS, SYRG, WWD
There are several new breakouts and initial base formation to is a quick list of the some of the candidates.
New Buy Candidates: BXG, MDF, NLST, OPK,
Continuations: MELA, PKT, SIMO