The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Options Trading: So much Potential

Hey folks,

I just finished reading up on a book about trading options and I finally realized how much potential they have. I realized that there have been plenty of longs in which I could've used options with. Furthermore, it would have been less risky to use the option, rather than the stock! As hard as it is to be believe, it is true. I still haven't begun dabbling in them, but I will in the near term future. If you want to readup on options as well, I recommend Michael Sinceres' book titled Understanding Options. It is a quick and easy read. I like it because it approaches the topic and content at a beginners pace. Basic options strategies such as Selling Covered Calls, and Buying Call and Puts are explained in detail. If you are looking for more complex strategies, then skip this book. But if you are a beginner such as myself, this book is for you! Enjoy!


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