Rally Showing Support
New Buys: CGNX (in at 26.16), GORO (18.88), HDY (in at 2.32)
This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.
The Trade: AUMN (in at 15.67), QUIK -long- (in at 5.15), REDF (in at 5.22)
Note: a stock like this can double in the next few weeks on just hype alone.
Similar stock action: EGHT, NTWK, REE, URRE
Breakouts: LDK, SGEN
Stocks to Watch (and possibly buy): BSDM, CHTP, LONG, REDF, SOL
New Buys: NANO (in at 13.63)
Sold: VRX (+13.5%)