The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Finals, stock rebounds and Grad school preparation

Hey guys,

As the title suggests, there is a lot going on at the moment. On top of everything, my grandfather (who has been like a father to me) was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon. He is doing ok for now, but with so many finals, tests, papers and projects due, its been very hectic lately. Somehow through all the chaos, and confusion, I have been able to retain my sanity and still trade.

Picked up: AMWD, HINT, ACHN (more), BWS, GROW (maybe), IAAC, KMX, LWAY, NVO, AMAG (back in it), SHS, TATTF, WTS (more), INAP, WSDT, DLB, AXR

Sold: NYX (some), SPRT, NTRT, GSL, PLXT

Looking to buy OBCI, MDF ( more), MTLK, IMGN, EMC (working on right side of base), GGAL, AB, BARE (again), CAAS (china momo play), URBN, PLB

Keep an (i) on: EVST

Futures: Long- Mexican Peso, Japanese Yen, S&P500, Russel 2000 Index
Take Profits: British Pound, Euro, Euro Dollar, Silver
Keep an eye on: Soybeans (the beans themselves, the oil and meal), Wheat and other grains, cotton.


At 11:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have seen GROW grow for a while now, don't know how much steam is left in tank for it to GROW further.. Have been following AXR for a while now, since it was $60 then $30 and now near 100 all within a year.. amazing stock..

At 11:51 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Did you buy any of them?? I missed out on them too. It sucks, but both those stocks charts decieved me, especially GROW's choppy chart. Oh well. I first saw GROW when it was between 5-9 dollars. I kept ignoring it since I tend to follow so many stocks. I regret not buying it back in the day. As time went by I was more hesistant of buying into it since I thought it was way past a good buy point. I can't explain how foolish my rationalization was. I thought I'd learn my lesson by now, but it is hard! The more mishaps and mistakes we make, the more cautious we become so that we can avoid losses. The drawback of course is that we may become hesitant, almost fearful of buying into a stock, not knowing if it will pull a fast one and reverse on us. At least thats how I feel at times.

At 11:55 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Yeah Im a little iffy on GROW. The fact that the stock did not close near the 52wk high is not a good sign. AXR on the otherhand had an awesome close. AXR is going higher, while I am iffy on GROW yet again!

At 11:59 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Also keep an eye on that Heely's IPO (HLYS) coming up soon.

At 9:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will watch out for that one. When is the expected IPO date? Do you know of any companies that make biometric equipements that are being used at airports? London started using it recently on couple of terminals. We might have missed a run after 9/11 in these companies but I think in future this might become a standard at many airports. I think Florida airports are already testing them.

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

The only biometric stock that I can think of off the top of my head is PBIO. I am sure there are others but I would have to look into it. I'll let ya know if I find anything. But definitely keep an eye on Heelys (HLYS. I think they are due to come out either tomm or Fri

At 8:50 PM , Blogger Nick M. said...

Its coming out on Thurs...tomm

At 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not IPO'ed yet. May be tomorrow. Too bad, I will be in meetings in the morning, the same thing happened when NMX IPO'ed.


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