The Ambitious Trader: Stocks, Trading, Investing..My Ambitions as a Trader and Investor

This is a one way ticket that takes you on a wonderful journey into the vast world that is the stock market through my eyes, my point of view.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Monday

New Buy Candidates: None

New Short Sale Candidates: None

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Note: Check back near the opening bell for updates. I am a bit behind on my nightly research and hope to have the results up by the morning. In any case, do not expect anything ground breaking or new. The harsh market conditions have not fostered any real, 'must have' longs, or shorts for that matter.

Update: No new buy candidates or short sale candidates.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Wednesday

New Buy Candidates: None

New Short Sale Candidates: None

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Note: Just more of the same. These past few sessions have only produced several bland buy candidates that are not even worth mentioning. For now, I'll just keep adding more to the few stocks that are performing well.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Monday

New Buy Candidates:

New Short Sale Candidates:


Back to the Regular Posting Schedule...

Hi folks,

I took a small break from the market this past week as the chaos and confusion was too much to wade through. It is difficult to make sound decisions and trades when there is so much distortion in the markets. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see a short term bounce. The markets have recently become oversold and value investors are ready to start buying. In addition, the 'no-shorting' policy is helping some financial stocks hit new 52wk highs. Some of these stocks may make good plays if they are picked up at a good buy point. At the moment, many of them are over extended. I will try to post a new buy candidate list later on in the morning, before the market open. I am a bit busy so if it gets posted after the market open, do not fret. See you then.

-Nick M.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Taking It Easy for the Next Few Days...

I apologize for the lack of posts but as you all know, the last few days have been rather hectic market wise. I am not an investor so I doesn't make sense for me to hold onto my positions through the carnage. Thankfully, none of the positions are in the financial stocks. Regardless of this fact, many of my positions have taken a hit. I was lucky to sell a majority of them a few days ago and during yesterdays short lived bounce. Still, the last few days have truly messed up many of my favorite setups and taught me the importance of protecting ones capital during the tough times. I've been telling longer term traders and investors to get out of the market back in the late fall of 2007. Those who took my advice are probably better off than most of the others who refused to listen to me and instead, listened to their brokers at Merrill Lynch and the other failed institutions. I am not saying that I am a fortune teller or that I could have predicted the future. The only thing that I did was predict the future trend of the market following the big wave of weakness that happened in November of 2007. It was a major trend change that foretold of more future weakness. Sure, there were some sweet spots to go long. There was February of 2008 (VRUS) and the countless high flying micro-cap oil stocks (PDO, FPP, MXC, etc) that ruled the market during spring time. Then there were several good stocks that appeared right before the storm, such as MITI, NPSP, XSI and several others. I guess the point that I am trying to make is that no matter how bad the situation is, you have to look at the bright side. As tired as this cliche may be, it is utterly true. Think about it. This downtrend is anything but new. And yet, there were several good long opportunities for patient traders. Do I expect this to continue. You bet. You just have to be patient and be watchful. Do not force yourself into trades. Instead wait for good trades and trends to develop and then go for them.
For now, I have liquidated many of my positions that have done well and let go all of my positions that fell 8% from the price I bought them. At the moment, I haven't found anything new that is worth buying. My advice is take it easy for a few days and let things clear out. Take care and good luck.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Monday

New Buy Candidates: None

New Short Sale Candidates: None

Add To: None

Friday, September 12, 2008

Other Notable Market Movers...

Besides the many stocks that I post about in the New Buy Candidate posts, there are several other potential high fliers that I have come across. Here are some of the few other stocks to keep an eye on:

ALO, MITI (may be ready for another uptrend), ROCK, USMO

Still Going Strong: HA (Can't recall how many times I mentioned this one over 5 dollars ago.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Wednesday

New Buy Candidates: EBHI, MGIC

New Short Sale Candidates: None


Intraday Treat: QCOR (add to)

If you aren't already in QCOR, wait for a dip.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Wednesday

New Buy Candidates: SMMX

New Short Sale Candidates:

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Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Tuesday

New Buy Candidates: None

New Short Sale Candidates: None

Add To: None

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Stock Picks and Trade Ideas for Monday

New Buy Candidates: AXR (rebuy), CBOU, HSNI, KTII, MDVN, PCYC, QPSA, SCA

New Short Sale Candidates: ARUN, PEC


New Social Network on the Block...

Just when you thought you've seen it all, another social networking site has sprung up, seemingly overnight. While it looks similar to Myspace and Facebook on the surface, this pro-social site seems to offer an extra dimension that seems to be missing from the rest of the competition. First off, the name of this site is PeopleJar ( PeopleJar connects fellow humans from around the globe onto its own network and allows them to reach out and touch somebody. Well, at least search somebody. The really nifty and cool factor is that you can customize your search and find someone with the specific interests that you are looking for. You can customize specific parameters such as the age, sex or location of a person that you are searching for. So for instance, if you are looking for a new buddy who shares the same interests as yourself, for example, surfing, you would plug in surfing in the search bar and customize the parameters of who you are looking for. You can choose the gender, age, location and even experience level of a potential new friend. In addition to finding and connecting with people of the same interests, you may also use PeopleJar to sell yourself and your talents and expertise to potential employers or others who may want to collaborate with you on a venture or proposition.
What is even more interesting with PeopleJar is that you can use it to find and connect with someone in which you've only had a brief encounter with. Lets just say that you just met a pretty girl on a subway. You both clicked well but had to depart prematurely. You forgot to exchange numbers or names. Is this a case of two potential soul mates lost forever? Not quite. Just add the details of the encounter (location, day, time and some other specifics about the person) and you will be able to potentially reunite with this person through a find-a-friend feature via an ad placed on People Jar. Pretty nifty if I may say so. Anyway, I am off to explore this site in more detail. I just stumbled upon it today and thought it was interesting so I decided to share it with you. Let me know what you think about it as well. Later.

Back From the Vacation/Back to Business...As Usual

Hi folks,

I am back from my vacation. Yes it was a short one, but really, I can't complain. It felt good to get away from it all. I didn't trade and I rarely checked the markets. I did notice that my stop for MITI was set off. I rarely use stops but I felt more inclined to do so since I would be away from the market for a few days. I am glad that I sold this position. It was an easy long that netted me over 100% in a relatively short time span. Right now I am concentrating on STSI. This one is showing immense strength and a promising chart. With more doom and gloom being injected into the markets, I look forward to finding even more stocks that are setting up nicely like STSI and perhaps MITI (when it first began its move). Right now I am working on my research for the upcoming week. Most likely, I will have the new picks up before Monday's opening bell. Check back for updates!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gone for a Few Days

Hello folks,

Just wanted to give you the heads up and let you know that I will be vacationing for a few days. It has been a while since I've been on a vacation so I am looking very forward to it. I will be travelling with my girlfriend to Cape Cod. I will probably take it easy on with trading and the posting of trades. One thing that I do want to mention is that I have accidentally deleted one of my posts it was a Wednesday post (either August 20 or 27ths) in which I recommended STSI as a rebuy. I still STSI and its current trend is far stronger than the last one which flopped. So far the stock is up nearly 30% from the proper buy point. Despite a few good stocks and picks here and there, the majority of the market is still languishing. It will be a while before the situation dramatically improves. So, for now, I will continue to keep an eye out for anything worthwhile and will try to post while away. If not, I will be back in less than a week. Take care and good luck with your trading.

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